I am an … Undocumented or DACA applicant


  • 探索节目

    参观 度 & 证书 页面查看我们所有的学分课程,或根据您的兴趣或特定的学习领域缩小您的选择.

    Additionally, 十大彩票平台 offers many short-term Workforce Development Center 机会, as well as some other educational 机会 for our community, including classes for English Language Learners.

    If you have questions, please contact the Admissions office at 413-755-3333, 电子邮件 Admissions@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 168.

  • Complete Admissions Application


    *DACA学生还应提交以下材料,以便有资格获得州内学费- C-33工作许可证(就业授权文件), I-797(行动通知)和在马萨诸塞州居住6个月或以上的证明.

    转学分:十大彩票平台欢迎来自其他学院和大学的转学生, 我们的招生人员将确保你在其他地方成功完成的课程获得适当的学分. 指 Admissions Policies for information on the Transfer 信贷 Policy.

    If you have questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 413-755-3333, 电子邮件 Admissions@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 168.

  • 联系 the Office of Disability Services, if Needed

    如果你有残疾记录,想了解有关学术住宿的信息, or need accommodations for the placement test, contact the Office of Disability Services at 413-755-4785, 电子邮件 disability-services@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 141.

    For more information 去 Disability Services.

  • Attend Mandatory New 学生 Orientation


    如果您有任何疑问,请联系招生办公室(413)755-3333,电子邮件Admissions@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 168.

  • Log in to 十大彩票平台NET 学生 Portal And 电子邮件 Account

    你应该在被学院录取的两周内收到邮件中的登录信息. For technical support contact the 学生 Help Desk at (413) 755-4016 or 电子邮件 usersupport@t9111.com .

  • Complete/Submit CORI/SORI Forms (if applicable)

    如果参加了健康和病人模拟课程或幼儿教育课程,必须完成吗. To see a full listing of programs and whether the CORI/SORI is required 去 卫生服务.

    如果您有任何疑问,请致电413-755-4230与健康中心联系,电子邮件 healthservices@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 177.

  • Submit 健康 Forms

    关于你需要什么表格的更多信息是基于你是全日制(注册12个或更多学分)还是兼职(注册11个或更少学分)的学生和你的学术课程, 去 卫生服务.

    如果您有任何疑问,请致电413-755-4230与健康中心联系,电子邮件 healthservices@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 177.

  • Take 放置 Test

    At the end of your New 学生 Orientation, you will choose a New 学生 测试 and Registration date. On the selected date, you will return to campus to take your placement tests. For more information 去 放置 Assessments.

    如果您有任何疑问,请联系考试和评估中心(413)755-4709,电子邮件 testing-assessment-center@t9111.com, or stop by, Building 19, Room 238.

  • Register for 类

    在你的新生考试和注册日期完成分班考试后, you will meet with an advisor to register for classes.

    If you have questions, please contact the 学术顾问 and Transfer Center at 413-755-4857, 电子邮件 advisor@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 232.

  • Arrange To Pay For 类

    Undocumented and DACA students are not eligible for state or Federal financial aid. 在付款截止日期之前,通过十大彩票平台Net学生门户网站帐户在线支付账单或设置付款计划. If your bill is not paid or a payment arrangement has not been set up, you may risk losing your class schedule. 去 Billing 信息 查看付款到期日的时间表,可接受的付款安排和付款方式.


    If you have questions, contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 287.

  • Get Your RAM Card (学生 ID)

    In order to get your RamCard:

    • 在拍摄RamCard照片和领取RamCard时,必须出示有效的州或政府颁发的带照片的身份证件,如驾驶执照或护照(学院不能接受RamCard的许可证,因为这些证件无效)。.
    • 学生s must be registered for classes.


    If you have any questions contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 287.

  • Waive Your 健康 Insurance

    有关十大彩票平台学生健康保险计划的信息以及如何放弃您的健康保险的逐步说明, 去 健康 Insurance 信息.

    If you have any questions contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@t9111.com, or stop by Building 19, Room 287.

  • 应用 For a Virtual Parking Permit or Bus Pass

    To apply for a virtual parking permit or bus pass, payment arrangements must be in place, either; classes paid in full, a payment plan set-up or financial aid file complete.

    去 Parking and Transportation for information on requesting a virtual parking permit or bus pass.

    If you have questions contact the Parking Office at 413-755-4238, 电子邮件 parking@t9111.com or stop by Building 19, Room 269.

  • Buy or Rent Your Books

    查找有关购买课程所需书籍和资料的信息或在线订购书籍, 去 十大彩票平台书店 for more information.


  • 祝贺你! You Are Ready to Start Your 类

    去 校历 to see the date that classes begin!